Welcome to PCSG Woodbine
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Services at this location
Welcome to PCSG Woodbine
Woodbine Medical Centre
2nd Floor, Suite 201
7155 Woodbine Avenue, Markham, ON L3R 1A3
Contact us: 416-628-6039
We provide individual counselling and psychotherapy for adolescents and adults, as well as couple therapy, family therapy, sex therapy, and art and play therapy.
We offer in-person clinical appointments at our offices, and we also offer virtual/online appointments for our clients who may feel more comfortable engaging in therapy from a more private setting.
Psychological Assessments
We are well equipped to provide behavioral and personality assessment, intellectual and psycho-educational assessment, neuro-psychological assessment, vocational assessment, and family assessment, as well as an assessment after motor vehicle/workplace accidents.
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我們為青少年和成人提供個人心理輔導及治療; 配偶關係治療、家庭輔導, 性治療, 藝術及遊戲治療等.
閣下可選擇親臨我們任何一間辦事處進行臨床治療, 亦可在自己認為舒適的個人環境下作虛擬/網上治療.
本機構備有充足而可靠的測量工具,為顧客提供「行為和人格評估」、「智力、學能及教育心理評估」、「腦神經心理評估」(例如: 失智症、讀寫障礙等)、「職業意向」、「家庭評估」(包括家庭成員關係及職能等), 以及「交通意外和職場事故後的心理評估」。
Clinicians at this location

Dr. Ken Kwan
PhD, C. Psych.
Executive Director
Chief Psychologist
Available Locations: Whitby, Ajax , Woodbine, Virtual

Dr. Felix Thomas
PhD, C. Psych.
Available Locations: Whitby, Woodbine, Virtual

Dr. Tammy Wong Ko
PhD, CCFT, RP, C. Psych.
Available Locations: Woodbine, Virtual

Dr. Narges Hosseini
PhD, C. Psych.
Available Locations: Ajax, Woodbine, Virtual

Dr. Zita Lau
Ph.D., C.Psych.*
Available Locations: Woodbine, Virtual

Dr. Susan Fantinato
PhD, RCC, RP, C.Psych.*
(Supervised Practice)
Available Locations: Whitby, Woodbine, Virtual

Alan Yim
EdD, MA, BSW (Hons), BA, RSW
Registered Social Worker/Psychotherapist
Available Locations: Woodbine Virtual

Swiya Murti
BSc, MA, PhD
PUPIL Clinic
Available Locations: Woodbine, Virtual

Dr. Melissa Kang
OCt, PhD, C.Psych*
Psychologist (Supervised Practice), Psychoeducational Interventionist
Available Locations: Woodbine, Virtual

Jenna Barnhardt
Available Locations: Ajax, Woodbine, Virtual

Raganya Ponmanadiyil
Registered Psychotherapist
Available Locations: Woodbine, Virtual

Bella Fong
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
Available Locations: Woodbine, Virtual
We provide
- Individual counselling & psychotherapy
- Couple, family, and sex therapy
- Psychological and vocational assessment
- Psychoeducational assessment and intervention
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We Serve
- Children, adolescents, adults, couples, & families of diverse backgrounds
- Services may be offered in different languages: English, French, Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese), Farsi, Filipino (Tagalog), Hebrew (Yiddish), Bahasa Indonesia